How do i erase my account?
On your profile click on your photo. Once you're in the profile dashboard, look for delete.
What is a contact Email address?
How to run Ads?
If you would like to run ads please contact us using the contact form on the menu. i
When did you launch?
Feb 2025
Do you have Mobile app?
Yes! Download the app on the App Stores. Access ISTREAM HQ faster and enjoy more features while using the Mobile app
Upload VIdeo errors
We are still working out bugs so errors may arise, so just the video fails. Please go back to the homepage and restart the video upload process
Request a video removed?
On the video click report and let us know what's going on. We will get back to in 24 hours
What kind of videos should i upload?
Influencers LIve streamers videos from KIck, Twitch, etc. Record and recap engaging funny content. Capture great moments
How many videos can i upload?
WHat and Who is IStream HQ?
We are live-streaming lovers and content creators just like you. Sign up and create a channel and start uploading videos or just watch for free!